The success of Studio Babelsberg is based on education. To that effect, investments have been made in education institutes and learning opportunities. Dynamic technical development is developed and promoted at Babelsberg. Numerous education possibilities around film, television, and information technology support Babelsberg's internationally competitive position.
Babelsberger Film Gymnasium
A state-approved education institution, it is the first of its kind that focuses on film as multimedia artwork.
Drama school for children
The school offers professional drama lessons for children 8 years old and up.
EMS - Electonic Media School
The media school offers training in audio-visual media design. As trainees in the journalism school, in the course of 18 months of practical training in multimedia, students learn everything they need for a professional future in radio, television, and online work.
transfer media
This year, transfer media is offering a continuing education program. "Digital Media at Work" is a program for employees that consists of training in filebased cinematography, filebased post prodcution, and networked production.
Erich Pommer Institute (EPI)
The Institute considers itself a think-tank: developing and offering creative solutions and programmes for continuing education for members of the media industry, media politics, and media education, emphasizing a scientific basis and a media convergence context.